Blessing Mix {printable}

treat bags blessing mix

One of our favorite fall and Thanksgiving treats is Blessing Mix!

Mix it up and pass along some love to someone this fall!

blessing mix ingred

If you’d like to print snack mix labels, you can use Avery 8164 shipping labels or just use card stock and cut the tags apart.  There is a small space at the bottom if you’d like to add your name! 🙂


Click the image below to download or print:

blessing mix2

Click here to download snack mix labels!

happy fall yall

28 thoughts on “Blessing Mix {printable}

  1. prairiepaisley.jodi

    Oh my goodness…so cute and I think this would work gluten free too. This would be soo fun to pass onto neighbors and Bible study girls!
    Thanks for your fun ideas and for being so good to pass it on, love it!

    1. i have no greater joy Post author

      Well, we just had a bunch of friends out to the farm to celebrate the cotton harvest, and we passed these out. I have tons of gf friends, and I should have thought about trying to do gf! I’ve gotten gf pretzels before. Are Bugles gf? I guess you could just leave them out. I found the Bugles and pretzels get a little stale anyway, but I love M&M’s with craisins and candy corn! Yummy! The only thing that would make it better is peanuts! Maybe you could think of a cute line for the label to add those 😉
      I’m going to have to research that barn sale! I had never heard of that, but since you mentioned it, I have heard several people mention it. You are just full of great ideas!

  2. covenantheirs

    Shannon, so glad that you found my blog, so I could in turn find yours. God has blessed you and gifted you in so many ways. I can’t wait to share your blog with my daughters, who each have three children. I love your creative intentionality in passing down your faith to your children. If you don’t mind, I’d like to add your link to my blog site. You have so many great ideas. Praying that you will continue to have the energy and time to share your joy and love for God and your family through your blog.

    1. i have no greater joy Post author

      When I found your blog, I knew I had found a friend! 🙂 The title really caught my eye! I love it, and your ideas are so practical yet so fun. I am challenged when I read it! I can’t wait to see future posts pop up in my reader! Thank you so much for this encouragement to me. I certainly welcome prayers for time and energy! Ha ha! I have had a lot of fun with this blog, and I hope it has been an encouragement to others. (I saw your other reply…. I rushed out of the house for an out-of-town homeschool field trip yesterday and never even turned on my computer!) Thank you, again! Grace and peace to you!

  3. covenantheirs

    Hello Shannon. I love your blog! This may be a second reply, but not sure, since it was late last night when I sent the first one. You are a very gifted mom, and I so appreciate your passion to intentionally pass down your faith in Christ to your children. May God bless your every effort, by raising children who love and serve Jesus all of their days. Thanks for following my blog, too.

  4. Pingback: Laudable Linkage | Stray Thoughts

  5. Sarah

    Thank you so much for the printable! I’ve been looking all over for a cute one and yours is absolutely perfect! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your lovely family and God bless!

  6. Sarah

    P.S. I’ve always made my mix with Peanuts – just put “Nuts or Seeds” before the description of the promise for future harvest 🙂

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