10 Commandments. 5 Minutes. {and prep for Sundays}


That list is something all Christians should know, but we didn’t.  By we I mean me… along with the children.  Yes, we could sing The Ten Commandments thanks to Judy Rogers, but we couldn’t say them.  So, this crew decided to take a little departure from verse-a-week memory work to go back to basics. (The children have memorized The Apostle’s Creed, Psalm 23, a small part of The First Catechism, and The Ten Commandments.  The littles have brushed up on The Lord’s Prayer, and the big kids have memorized the first question and answer of The Heidelberg Catechism.)  We are moving back to Bible verses for memory soon!  🙂 Yay!

If you haven’t memorized The Ten Commandments, here ya go!  You’ll know them in 5 minutes– or less!  We continued to get those last ones out of order, until we learned these hand motions!


1.  Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  (Hold up one finger for commandment 1, only 1 God, and point up to God. You can also move your finger from side to side and shake your head for “no” other gods.)



2.  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.  (Hold up a finger on each hand for 2nd commandment.  One finger bows down to other as an idol.)



3.  Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.  (Hold up three fingers for #3 and then put over mouth to not speak!)



4.  Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.  (Hold up four fingers for #4 and then move to side of face and tilt head as if resting.)



5.  Honor thy father and thy mother.  (Hold up five fingers for 5th commandment.  Make a spanking motion with your hand! 😉 )



6.  Thou shalt not kill.  (Hold up six fingers, and then make a stabbing motion with one finger.)



7.  Thou shalt not commit adultery.  (Seven fingers up.  Cross the two fingers on hand back and forth to show mom and dad / husband and wife together forever.)



8.  Thou shalt not steal. (Eight fingers up for #8 with one hand grabbing and stealing the 3 fingers on the other hand.)



9.  Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.  (Nine fingers up then over mouth again like #3.  This time the hand with five fingers is followed by the hand with four fingers.)



Hold up ten fingers.  Thou shalt not…


Make a grabbing motion as if taking something from another.




Back in the fall, we started using this little paper to help us better prepare for the Lord’s day, to help us better remember the sabbath and get organized! The children illustrated the things that they need to do to be ready for worship on Sunday mornings, and we hung the pictures in their rooms.  Some Saturdays, they get these things ready before they play.  Some Saturdays, the tasks don’t get done until later.  Either way, it’s better than waiting until Sunday morning… which still occasionally happens here. 😦  Someone recently told me that Satan is always busy on Sunday mornings hiding someone’s shoe!  Ha!

Image 25

You can click the pictures to print.

prep for sunday

Blank chart:

prep for sunday blank

We learned our hand motions for The Ten Commandments by watching this video on YouTube.  🙂


Happy memorizing!

16 thoughts on “10 Commandments. 5 Minutes. {and prep for Sundays}

  1. Jill Denton

    Love this! I couldn’t say the 10 commandments until a few years ago when my husband & I were teaching them & he taught me a similar as yours to learn them.
    And I love your Sunday morning prep sheet– it’s so important to prepare ahead!

  2. godmadeknown

    This is awesome! Can’t wait to teach it to our boys! I’m excited you ordered that book! We don’t do T.V. or videos so our boys love listening to stories on C.D. or radio dramas.
    Lamplighter has a radio-theatre program where you can listen to their great stories on-line through OnePlace.com. This week they are on the last episode of “The Captive.” Very quality stuff but some of the stories are meant for older kids. Check it out!

    1. i have no greater joy Post author

      Thanks for all of your great info! Wow! Good for you for steering clear of videos! We love watching all of our episodes of Little House on the Prairie on DVD … we could be listening to all of the audio books… or better yet… reading all of them! Do you even own a TV? Just curious. 😉

      1. godmadeknown

        I actually grew up without a T.V. and we decided when we married not to have one in the house. That lasted over 12 years until we moved into an already furnished place here in Hawaii which included a pretty ancient T.V. in the corner (no video or DVD). My husband decided the boys were old-enough to watch Hockey and Football with so that is what has been allowed. This is also the first time we’ve had internet and a cell phone so we now consider ourselves thoroughly modern and quite worldly! 🙂

  3. Pingback: Exodus Excitement Wrap-Up | i have no greater joy

  4. Pingback: 10 Commandments: Wall Decoration and Craft | Growing Kids Ministry

  5. Pingback: Crossing the Red Sea (Moses and Exodus) | Growing Kids Ministry

  6. Pingback: Are we training our children to keep or break the Ten Commandments? | COVENANT HEIRS

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